Wazifa To Make Wife Love Husband
Wazifa To Make Wife Love Husband
Wazifa To Make Wife Love Husband, It hurts a lot when your life partner does not obey you. It is heart breaking and you feel loneliness. But wazifa to make wife obedient will solve this problem. It is powerful and effective way of casting magic spells.
Wazifa To Make Wife Love Husband
This wazifa to make wife obedient is so strong that she will start paying attention to you. Usually, there are many cases seen in the society where wife does not take responsibilities towards her husband. In such cases, wazifa to make wife obedient really works great.
Wazifa to Make Wife Obedient
If your partner creates problems and never agrees on you, you can take the help of wazifa. There is an effective wazifa to make wife obedient. To do this, you should read “Al-Mutakabir” for 3125 times along with reading “awa-u-akher Darood Sharif”.
There is another wazifa to make wife obedient. First of all, you have to make wudu. If you already have a wudu, you can use that as well or else you can use a new one. Now, to do this wazifa to make wife obedient, you should read Quran-e-Kareem Surah Faatir #35 Ayat #22 in odd numbers of 3, 5, 7 and so on.
Read this as much as you can since you get quick results if you read more number of times. Now, blow on your wife and this wazifa to make wife obedient will make her obey you. You can perform this wazifa to make wife obedient even when you are at a distance.
If your wife has gone, there is another wazifa to make wife obedient that can help her return to you. To perform this wazifa to control wife, you should recite the following for 40 times every day:
“Laaaa haaawlaa waa laaaa quwwaataa illaaaa billaaha”
Also, you should recite below wazifa to control wife for 7 times on a daily basis:
“Yaaaa aar-haaamaar-raaaahaimeeeen”
When you recite the above wazifa to control wife, relationship with your wife will become strong.
Wazifa to Control Wife
Many problems happen in marriages and couples often have fights with each other. There is a strong wazifa to control wife using which you can avoid such problems. To begin with, you should read Surah Ya Sin for 7 times. Every time you recite this wazifa to control wife, you have to blow on 7 almonds through your right hand palm.
Now, give these almonds to your wife and she will surely be in your control. Also, to remove any kinds of misunderstandings between you and your husband, you can read Surah al Jumu-ah i.e. Chapter 62. You should read this wazifa to control wife on Friday and Allah will fulfil your wishes.
Dua and wazifa to control wife can make your wife come back to you. She will always be your follower and you will have a wonderful married life. Those whose marriage is at the verge of divorce can perform wazifa to control wife.
It will transform thinking of your wife a lot that she will always follow you in your life. The wazifa to control wife will make her a responsible person and your love will flourish like anything.
Wazifa for Getting Good Wife
One of the most difficult things in life perhaps is to find the desired partner. Wazifa for getting good wife can be of great help in this case. An incorrectly chosen life partner can damage your life forever. Hence, you can perform wazifa for getting good wife for attracting the right life partner in your life. You can perform the following wazifa for getting good wife for 31 days:
During the Islamic month, on first Friday night, you should read Darood or Salavat for 11 times. Apart from this, you should also read below Ayat Karima for 900 times:
“Laaaa ilaaaahaaaaa illaaaa aaaantaaaa subhaaaneeeekhaaaaa inni kunaatu minzaa zaaliminaa”
When you recite the above wazifa for getting good wife, you should imagine your wife’s face in front of you. In the other way, you can also keep a photo of your wife in front of you.
Also, when you recite this wazifa for getting good wife, you face yourself to the house of your wife where she is residing. 2 am is the right time for performing this wazifa for getting good wife. Apart from this, you should use perfume while you read this wazifa for getting good wife.
There are some very simple wazifas available in Quran that you can use for getting your desired partners. For instance, in a single sitting, reciting Surah naamal verse 62 for 12000 times is a good wazifa for getting good wife. Another simple wazifa is to read the following for 3 times:
“aaoozubillaahai Minaasha Shaaaitaaaan Ir Raajeeeem Bismillaaha Ir Raahamaaaan Ir Raahaeeeem”
Another wazifa for getting good wife is as follows:
“aastaaaaghafirullaaaahaaa Raabbi, Laaaa eelaaaahaaa Illaaaal Laahau Mohaaammaadur Raasool Ul aalaaaaha Saallaallaahau aalaayhai Waaaa Saalaam”
There is yet another wazifa for getting good wife. You should recite below wazifa for up to 40 times:
“Subhaaaanaal Laaaahaai Waaaalhaaaamdu Lillaahaai, Waaaa Laaaa Ilaaaa haaaa Ill Laal Laaaahaau Waallaaaahaau aakbaar”
After reciting this, you should read Surah Fatiha for one time and Surah Ikhilas for 3 times. These simple to read wazifas can bring amazing and prompt results. Very soon, you will find a woman in your life that will match your desired partner preferences. If you want a beautiful wife, you can use wazifa for getting good wife. If you perform these wazifas with good intentions and concentrations, Allaah will listen to your prayers.
Also, you can contact an astrologer who can make duas on your behalf. You would certainly find a lovable partner in your life who can be with you for the whole of your life.
There are many people who are searching for their desired life partners but their desires do not get fulfilled. Performing Wazifa for getting good wife is the only best way to find solution to this problem. With this, you will surely get satisfied and find a match as per your needs.