Wazifa For Boyfriend Love
Wazifa For Boyfriend Love
Wazifa For Boyfriend Love or to get boyfriend back can be use to make boyfriend agree to marry you. Use our wazifa to get rid of cheating boyfriend.
How To Use Wazifa For Boyfriend Love?
If you are loving someone and do not get an equal amount of attention from the other side, then it is seriously causing you a lot of mental pain. Loving someone unconditionally may be a symbol of your pure heart, but it can take all your happiness with you. That’s why one-sided loves are the most dangerous.
Love happens mutually. Many people are committed to a relationship but are not getting proper attention from their partners. It is painful, indeed. Relationship stands first for your happiness.
Wazifa For Boyfriend Love
Only after that, can you care about your partner’s happiness. If you are not getting the same amount of love from your boyfriend, then surely it will take all the happiness from you. Then, this relationship will be meaningless for you.
You cry. But currently crying is not a solution. If you can’t get the things back in control, you should take refuge in Allah. Islamic wazifas are guiding people to solution from ages. It will surely get you a way-out.
Allahumma inni assaluka hubbaka wa hubba man yuhibukka wal-amalalladahi yaballighuni hubbaka Allahum ajal hubbaka Ahabba illaya min nafsi wa ahli wa minal maail baarid.
Firstly do wudu before fajir namaj. Then recite the dua mentioned above 589 times. After that, recite Sura Al Quraysh 11 times. You need to do this for 15 days continuously.
After finishing this, you will see a new door opening by itself. Your boyfriend will start loving you more and will never leave you.
Which Wazifa Use To Get Boyfriend Back?
Wazifa To Get Boyfriend Back, Many times, break-ups happen due to silly reasons. An argument, for mere cause, can be big enough to part away. At that time, our conscience stops working. We don’t think about what will happen next. How our words will affect the other person? We try to prove ourselves right. That’s when “I” becomes more important than “We” and marks the winning of ourselves and losing our relationship.
People go away. But their impact remains. His memories, those moments spent with him, remains to torture us. Only then, we realize that argument was not worthy at all. The need of His presence can only be felt in his absence. And then we regret and repent. But that’s too late.
However, words can cut us better than a sword. It will be hard for the person to return. But you feel that you need him desperately. In these cases, you can try out Islamic wazifa. This is a super strong wazifa that can give your desired result.
To perform this wazifa, cook the favorite dish of your ex-boyfriend. In morning recite the dua Al-Qurood Bismil Vidan Nakshatre Rishwan Alla Arahmoon 51 times. After that, feed this food to a white colored animal. You need to recite this dua for 23 days.
This is a very strong dua and works impressively quickly. If you continue to practice it for 23 days, it will surely create love in your ex-boyfriend’s heart and bring him back to you. Your love life will soon fill with happiness.
Which Wazifa Use To Make Boyfriend Agree To Marry You?
Wazifa To Make Boyfriend Agree To Marry You, In a relationship, boy and girl both have their equal share. They have to give equal amounts of trust, loyalty, love, and care to each other.
But, generally, a boy has to take the most responsibility. He has to study well. He has to get a job. And most importantly, he needs to earn so that he can bear the responsibility to take care of his parents and his family.
Many boys are afraid to take responsibility. They do not understand that it will be easier to walk on the path of life if a person is holding your hand. They only care about one thing, are they ready for marriage or not. Many times this happens that boys fear that they will have to take the extra burden. They will be caged. They feel like marriage will take away their freedom.
To change their mind, you may try to convince him. But it is hard to make them agree to marriage. If you fail after trying all means, you can take the help of Islamic wazifa.
After doing wudu, take enough salt in a vessel. Recite Durood Sharif for 11 times and after that chant Yawadoodo for 1001 times. Now chant Sura Fatiha 59 times. Now chant the dua below
Ya musabbibalas babiya mufattihala bwabiya man haythuma du-ee-yaajaaba
Recite durood Sharif for 11 times and blow this to that salt. After that, prepare a meal with that salt for 11 days and serve to your boyfriend. Slowly you’ll see a change in him, and he’ll eventually agree to marry you.
Which Wazifa Use To Get Rid of Cheating Boyfriend?
Wazifa to get rid of cheating boyfriend, Love depends on trust and loyalty. And it should be from both sides. If there is a lack of loyalty from one side, then the future of this relationship is dark.
Cheating is the dark side of humans, which exposes in some cases. Some people can’t be happy with one person. Even you love and take care of that person with all your heart, still that person, eventually, will leave you for another woman. Trust, loyalty, commitment… these are just mere words to them, which have absolutely no value.
You really can’t get your deserved respect from these type of boys. They don’t have respect for your love and care. They can make your relationship toxic. And a toxic relationship can because of anxiety, mental illness, and depression, which sometimes can lead to severe physical illness.
It would help if you moved away from these kinds of relationships. And to get rid of it, you can try the Islamic wazifa.
To follow the procedure, first do wudu. Then recite Sura Al Mayidah for 59 times along with Durood Sharif. You can also try by reciting the same for 1001 times.
After that, you will see the distraction in you for him. Finally, you will be able to forget him completely. Your life will be happy again.
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