Shohar Ko Khush Rakhne Ka Tarika
Shohar Ko Khush Rakhne Ka Tarika
Shohar Ko Khush Rakhne Ka Tarika, The husband is the main support system of a wife. A woman’s life moves around her husband. Her prestige and respect amongst others largely depends on how her husband treats her. If your shohar/husband is respectful towards you, the entire family will be respectful towards you. Your mother in law, sister in law and all other members of your in-law’s family will treat you respectfully, if your husband is respectful towards you. They will never dare to behave wrongly with you, if your husband is respectful and caring towards you.
Janiye apne shohar ko khush rakhne ke tarike. Paaye apne shohar ko hamesha apne pas.
Shohar Ko Apna Bananeka Tarika
“Bismillaah hirRaahmaan nirRaaheem”
“In The Naame of aallaah the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful”
“SaallaaLLaaHU aalaa Muhaammaad SaallaaLLaaHU aalaayhe Waasaallaam”
Your respect in your parent’s house will be retained till the time you are respectfully treated I your in-law’s house. You should know how to keep your shohar happy.
Follow the below mentioned tips to keep your husband in a pleasant mood. Janiye shohar ko khush rakhne ka tarika:
Shohar Ko Khush Rakhne Ka Tarika
- Always keep the house neat and clean. Arrange your shohar’s belongings and keep them in their particular places. It will help your shohar to find them easily and he will not feel irritated when he searches for anything.
- Feed your husband at regular intervals. Prepare healthy and tasty food for your shohar. This will keep him physically and mentally fit. He will not lose his temper in short things.
- Behave nicely with your husband. Talk to him about his work load and pressure. Make him feel that you care for his labor and his hard work. This will soften your husband’s heart and he will realize that you care for him.
- Prepare his clothes and meal while he leaves house for his daily office. If he is going out on an office tour, you should pack his suitcase properly and make sure you put all his requirements for as many days he is going on the tour. He should not feel the need of anything and he does not get it. You know well what he requires on a daily basis. So, pack his bag properly and see off him in a loving way.
- Behave lovingly with your parent in laws. Respect them and treat them as your parents. your shohar will definitely like you for this gesture. He will also respect you for this and be happy with you.
- Meet and greet his friends happily. Accept his friends and folks with an open heart. This will make him happy and he will include you in his friend circle.
- Do not deprive your shohar from sex. Love your husband and keep the relationship cozy and romantic forever.
Shohar Ko Khush Rakhne Ka Tarika
If you follow the above tips, you will surely be able to keep your husband happy. Never instigate a fight with him. If your shohar is angry and is fighting on any issue, you should give him the time to calm down. Do not argue with him when he is angry. He might not be in a situation to get a response. Talk to him about the issue after he is cool down. Talk and explain the issue to him logically and surely he will understand it. If he is still angry on you, here are some shohar ko manane ka tarika, which will surely help you to win over him once over again:
- Accept your mistake, if you have realized it. There is no shame in accepting your mistake and apologize for it. Your shohar will understand that you have mistakenly done the wrong thing, and you regret for it. Make him believe that you will not commit the same mistake again, and remain careful from next time.
- Prepare your shohar’s favorite dish for him to woo him. Garnish the food well. Serve it to him when he his back from work. As we all know, “a man’s way to is heart is through his stomach”. Your shohar will surely like the food and make up for his bad mood.
- Buy something nice for your husband. Wrap it in a stylish way and present it to him. This is one of the greatest shohar ko pane ka tarika that never fails to make your shohar happy.
- Read the following wazifa to remove misunderstandings between you two:
Shohar Ko Khush Rakhne Ka Tarika
“aallaaaahummaa Innaakaa aannisul aaaaneeseenaa Li-aawliyaaaa-Ikaa Waa aah’z”Uruhum Bil Kifaaaayaati Lil Mutaawaakkileenaa aa’laaykaa Taashhaaduhum Fee Saarraa-Irihim Weaa Taat’t’aali-U Fee Z”aamaaaa–Irihim Waa Taa’laamu Maablaaghaa Baas’aaaa-Irihim Faa-aasraaaaruhum Laakaa Maakshoofaatun Waa Quloobuhum Ilaaykaa Maalhoofaatun In aawh’aashaat-Humul Ghurbaatu aaaanaasaahum D’ikrukaa Waa In S’ubbaat aa’laayhimul Maas’aaaa-Ibu Laajaaaaaa-U Ilaal Istijaaaaraati Bikaa I’lmaan Bi-aannaa aa’z’eemaataal Umoori Biyaadikaa Waa Maas’aaaadiraahaaaa aa’n Qaaz” aaaaaa-Ikaa aallaaaahummaa In Faahaah-Tu Maas-aalaatee aaw aa’mihtu aa’n T’aalibaatee Faadullaanee aa’laaaa Maas’aaaalih’ee Waa Khud’ Biqaalbee Ilaaaa Maaraaaashidee Faa Laaysaa D’aaaalikaa Binukrin Min Hidaaaayaatikaa Waa Laaaa Bibaad-I’n Min Kifaaaayaatikaa aallaaaahummaah-Maalnee aa’laaaa aa’fwikaa Waa Laaaa Taah’milnee aa’laaaa aa’dlikaa”
The above wazifa will end up external influences on your relationship. Many times your in-laws conspire to ruin you and your shohar’s relationship. This wazifa will delete their wrong intentions.
Shohar Ko Khush Rakhne Ka Tarika
Read the following wazifa to protect your shohar from the black magic effects performed by any other person. This wazifa will protect your shohar from the buri nazar of others:
“aa’-Daadtu Likulli aa’z’eemaatin Laaaa Ilaaaahaa Illaallaaaahu Waa Likulli Haammin Waa Ghaammin Laaaa H’aawlaa Waa Laaaa Quwwaataa Illaaaa Billaaaah Muh’aammaadun Noorul aawwaalu Waa aa’liyaaun Nooruth Thaaaanee Waal aa-Immaatul aabraaaaru U’ddaatun Liliqaaaaaa-Illaaaahi Waa H’ijaaaabun Min aa-Daaaaaa-Illaaaahi D’aallaa Kulli Shaay-In Li-aa’z’aamaatillaaaahi Waa aas-aalullaaaahaa aa’zzaa Waa Jaallaal Kifaaaayaah”
Read shohar ko bulane ka wazifa to bring your husband, if he has left you. The following wazifa will quickly bring your husband back to you. If your husband is attracted to someone else, this wazifa will end all that attraction and your shohar will come back to you.
“Yaaaa Kaaaaaa-Inaan Qaablaa Kulli Shaay -In Waa Yaaaa Mukaawwinaa Kulli Shaay -In Waa Yaaaa Baaaaqiyaa Baa’daa Kulli Shaay -In S’aalli aalaa Muh’aammaadin Waa aahli Baaytihee Waaf-aa’l Bee”